Wednesday 1 April 2015

dark eyes and lips

Dark eyes and lips

You will need:

Eyeshadow in different shades from light to dark

Pencil eyeliner


False eyelashes-optional

Eyeshadow brushes

Blending brushes

Cotton buds

Mac oil free lotion

Tissue or loose powder

Lip liner

Lip sticks

Lip gloss

Lip brush

Method, Dark Eyes:

-If your model already has some make-up on you can leave it and put other products over the top.

-If your model hasn’t got any make-up on you need to apply a base for example primer, foundation and powder. Apply these as you would do normally, some cream eyeshadows work better without powdering the base make-up.

-Apply a medium coloured cream eyeshadow all over the eyelid with a round brush using patting movements and then blending.

-Also blend using a clean fluffy brush.

-Do both eyes at the same time in case your model is taken away from you.

-Keep asking your model to open and close their eyes so that you can see the shape you’re creating.

-use a cotton bud to remove any powder that falls down. You can also use Mac oil free lotion to remove mistakes. You can place tissue or loose powder under the eye to catch fallen product if you need to.

-Build up the colour using darker shades on the outer half of the eyelid and then use the darkest shade on the outer corners of the eyelid. You can use cream or powder eyeshadow for this. Keep using a patting movement to apply the products and then blend them in well using small circular motions.

-Apply dark pencil eyeliner to the lash line, you can use a brush to apply it. Have the eyes closed at first and then open when applying the eyeliner. Maybelline Black Pot eyeliner is also good and can be used in the crease of the eye to make the look even darker.

-Then use eyeliner on the bottom lash line and in the waterline, Maybelline black pot can also be used for this

-Then use one of the darkest eyeshadows under the lash line.

-Apply mascara and false eyelashes if you want to.

-Then apply concealer, foundation and powder around the eye area and the rest of the face. Make sure it is blended with the eye make-up, use a little bit of eyeshadow to do this if necessary.

Dark lips

-Use lip liner all over the lips to create the shape you want. Such as Mac lip liner in Spice

-Then apply lipstick that matches the lip liner using a lip brush.

-You can use a slightly lighter shade in the centre of the lips to make them look fuller if you want to, make sure you blend the two colours together well.

-Blot using tissue and add more layers of lipstick.

-Then use lip gloss such as Lancome Matte gloss and apply using a lip brush.

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