Sunday 22 March 2015

Review of my project so far

In order to develop ideas for my characters of Miss Havisham and Estella I researched Great Expectations by reading the book and watching film and television adaptations of the story. I also researched the Victorian era and looked at the hairstyles and products that were used during that time and then started developing my designs. I completed several designs and used the best elements of all of them to create my final two character designs. I had to practice my designs and make small changes to them so that they suited my models natural features and also to make sure I could complete my designs in the assessment times. I also made continuity notes and took photographs of all of my practices and my first assessment of Miss Havisham so that I could re-create the look in the second assessment. I thought myself and my partner Becky worked well together as we were always there for the other person to practice their designs on and gave each other helpful advice.

I enjoyed learning how to complete Victorian hairstyles and learning how to use make-up to make people look as though they are from the Victorian era and I used some of these techniques in my final designs. Overall I am quite pleased with how the project has gone, especially the practical assessments which I think I completed as well as I could of done at the time. Hopefully I can improve on my continuity skills in the future as there were some small mistakes, which I hope will improve as I keep practicing my skills.

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