Friday 27 February 2015

Miss Havisham

Tattoo Covering

I think this design works the best as it is the most realistic due to the use of a wider range of colours including subtle purple and pink. The lips especially look more natural and the shading is a lot softer thn my other designs and I think this works better for the overall look. I would change the contouring on the cheekbones and make it a lot softer and so it doesn't look like she has anything on her cheeks but the face still looks slightly hollow.
I think this look is looks more like a fashion look rather than one for TV and film which is what I'm aiming for. I don't think the eyes and lips look realistic as they are too dark and needs to have more subtle colour and more tones of colour to look more realistic.
I think the contouring is too harsh on this design for TV and film, it would maybe work better for theatre. Although I think the very pale base with the darker tones on top create a dramatic contrast which looks quite dramatic.
Hair Practice

I wanted my Miss Havisham to have an early Victorian inspired hairstyle. Therefore I did a centre parting and had the hair flat against the head at the sides of the face. I have found some images of plaits going into a bun when researching so I used this to add interest at the sides of the head and incorporated them into the bun. I used twists in the bun as these were also popular in the early Victorian times. I tried adding dry shampoo to the hair to make it look dusty but the power of the spray gave the hair flyaways as it was so soft so instead I am going to use talc and apply it with a brush.


For the final assessment I added flowers and a headband which I made to try and make the hairstyle a bit more decorative and bridal. I also added more talc to the hair so that it would show up better on camera. I also used more hairspray so there were less flyaway hairs and did the twists tighter so the bun looked neater.

I think some of the elements of this design could work well in my final design such as the plaits and the bun but at the moment the bun is also made up of plaits and there is just too many of them in the design. So I am going to change the bun design to make the hairstyle more dynamic,  Also the curls at the front seem a bit disjointed from the rest of the design so I am going to change this.
I don't like this look as a whole as it looks like three separate designs and doesn't really flow as an overall design. However I think the centre parting and the sleekness of the hair works well and a centre parting might look good with a decorative headband to make it look more bridal.

I think this design is too intricate and has too many elements for me to complete it to a good standard in my assessment. I am going to use the front of the design though as I think the centre parting with the plaits going around the ears works well to bring the front and back of the hair design together into a complete look. I think a bun with plaits or twists would work better at the back of the hair and look more Victorian.

First Attempt Miss Havisham Make-up

For my first attempt at creating Miss Havisham I completed a pale base with subtle contouring to make her look cold and her skin look hollow. However I thought the contouring was too subtle and the base was still a bit warmer than I wanted so during the same lesson I added white to the base to make it paler and did darker shading to try and make the face look hollower. I also tried to make the lips look dry by adding grey shading to the creases in the lips.

Second attempt

I kept most things the same from my origional design when I was practicing. I just made small changes such as using more eyeshadow around the eye instead of eyeliner so that the eye area looks hollow without it looking like she is wearing a lot of make up. Also i made the contouring slightly more subtle for the same reason. I want to portray Miss Havisham a few months after her wedding so I want her to look upset and tired but still looking young as not that much time has past. 


For my assessment I kept everything the same from when I practised the make-up and I was pleased with the final result. If I changed anything I would have used darker eyeshadow close the the lash line to make them look hollower and to define the eyes which are important when acting.
Hair Practice

I wanted my Miss Havisham to have an early Victorian inspired hairstyle. Therefore I did a centre parting and had the hair flat against the head at the sides of the face. I have found some images of plaits going into a bun when researching so I used this to add interest at the sides of the head and incorporated them into the bun. I used twists in the bun as these were also popular in the early Victorian times. I tried adding dry shampoo to the hair to make it look dusty but the power of the spray gave the hair flyaways as it was so soft so instead I am going to use talc and apply it with a brush.


For the final assessment I added flowers and a headband which I made to try and make the hairstyle a bit more decorative and bridal. I also added more talc to the hair so that it would show up better on camera. I also used more hairspray so there were less flyaway hairs and did the twists tighter so the bun looked neater.

Before the assessments there were some ideas I wanted to try out to see how they looked so I practised the look at home. I tried a few different plaits, buns and hair accessories to see what looked best. I also tried different ways to make the hair look dusty including dry shampoo and eyeshadow but decided that talc worked the best. I didn't like the way the hair accessories looked which is why I bought the fake flowers and made the headband myself as I thought they looked more bridal.

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